Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No.57 - Examination

the countdown in my computer shows that there is only 4days left to my 1st continuous assessment - my first battle in the medical field. almost two months had passed, been spending time on the desk and infront of the big pile of books almost everyday without fail in campus, yet here i am, blogging because of the sudden heaviness i felt in my heart, mostly due to exam-jitters. lack of confidence i suppose. finished catching up with whatever were taught, now do not know where to start to revise. so much to do, so little time available. and things just seem to keep coming nonstop. i wish they could take a break, be well and give me peace of mind.
here's asking for help from the above, to give me the strength to prevail, to succeed in the battle
i want courage like the cat, able to walk freely, without fear though being surrounded by a row of dogs
*pray the best for me. il be back after the assessment.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13


  1. true..just trust in those words and it will surely bring u far...
    all the best dear...pray that everything is well with u..


  2. i like your second picture. =)

