after a long absence from my blog, im finally back. nothing much to update about actually. just to wish Happy CNY and also jot down a thing or two.
2nd Chinese New Year without my grandmother. the feeling of something's missing and the feeling got stronger as i was watching Money Not Enough 2. even though ive watched it before, yet the impact was still there. im sure someone felt it even more... no longer the same CNY.
this holiday is not exactly holiday, as usual, the need to catch up on my studies. ive yet to obtain the complete result for my 2nd CA, and the 3rd CA is just around the corner. this is called No Mercy. this term is really packed, practically everyday morning till evening classes. exhausted by the time the sun sets.
i think thats all for now. so the above picture is from the CNY BBQ Gathering we had on Friday's night. catching up with all, without Amy, sadly. was supposed to have video conference but her internet just had to show its temper on that night. urgh.
thats all folks. till then,
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Valentine's Day!