Thursday, June 4, 2009

No.28 - Today I.....

finally figured out the song that I heard on radio lately. I always wanted to know the title of the song. The song goes something like - Monday... Tuesday.... - But after finding out today, it confirmed that I really have hearing problem. Well, cant actually blame me. Whenever I heard the song, it will be when Im bathing or far away from the radio, somehow there's disruptions. The Monday that I heard was One Way and the Tuesday was To Say. So what do you think about my hearing problem? Anyway, I find the song very cheeky and joyful. It's Plain White T's 1234. Yes, the song. Check it out, you'll like it, I'm sure.

~there's only one (1) way to (2) say three (3) words for (4) you, that is I Love You~

~I Love You~


  1. hahah.....
    wat lah u....
    mmg luv da song ad...
    monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday....
    i love you....
    friday saturday, sunday....
    dont love you...
    was dat how it went ????

  2. sulin : u like the song?

    abs: well, im sure my hearing not tht bad until reach wednesday. it stopped at tuesday. where can love someone for few days, and dont for the next few days? :)
